Quantity: number of finished pieces. Account for the offset printer's industry standard that dictates a window of 5% overs or unders.
Stock: choose from various weights and finishes of offset, text or cover weight paper.
Color: the number of colors to be printed (full color is CMYK, or 4). Common colors combinations include 4/4, 4/0, 2/2 and 2/0. Be sure to indicate if your margins bleed or not, as well as any special coatings you require.
Flat Size: width x height. The size of your piece before bindery.
Bindery: folding, collating, binding, die-cutting, etc. Include instructions or a PDF of your file for more complex projects.
Finished Size: the size of your piece after bindery.
Artwork: let us know how you'll be providing your native or high-resolution PDF files: via email, FTP site, CD, DVD or ZIP drive.
Proofs: go paperless by choosing emailed PDF proofs. Need to verify color before printing? Indicate an assembled color proof in your job quote request.
Delivery: store it, ship it, overnight it or send via direct mail. Plus, take advantage of our Fulfillment Center for your on-demand product shipment needs.